
Artist Responds To A Girl Who Thinks Liking Feminine Things Makes You A Victim Of Patriarchy

  • By Malaika
  • May 2, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Change is inevitable.

Every human being goes through change. We are changing every minute even if we don’t realize it. So just because you decided that you now like tattoos when you hated them before doesn’t signify anything more than the fact that you have changed and that is okay. Nobody should be made to feel bad for turning back on their decisions. Just because an individual is an adult doesn’t mean their preferences will stay the same until the day they pass away.

So when this artist posted a harmless comic showing how she wasn’t fond of pink or frilly dresses as a child but actually loves them now, it was adorable and didn’t mean anything. However, a Feminazi was quick to jump in and talk about how she was trying to fit in with what is expected of a woman by embracing her feminine side and that she was a victim of patriarchy.

Source: Kiana McMillian

This is the artist behind the comic who goes by the name Kiana McMillian.

And this is the comic that started it all.

This particular individual thought that liking stereotypically feminine stuff somehow makes you a victim.

So it is no surprise, that the artist quickly defended her position and explained everything perfectly.

The comic is just about change and how we change our views pretty often on what we like and don’t like.

For example, many kids hate green vegetables, and their parents have to force them to eat greens. However, several of the same kids grow up to love those same meals. This is change.

And I think many of us fall into the trap of distancing ourselves from traditionally feminine things because we don’t want to seem like ‘other girls’.

However, a person shouldn’t be judged on what they like or don’t like. An individual is not 100% feminine or masculine. We are not 2D characters.

I so much appreciate the artist’s response. I’ve been a girly girl my whole life because it’s who I AM. I love pretty things and enjoy traditionally feminine things and that’s okay because that’s what is right for me and makes me happy. I am sick to my back teeth of the militant so-called feminists shaming women who value traditional femininity. I am not diminished, less-than, stupid, or victimized by the “patriarchy” which has been tossed around so much lately it may as well be the “Illuminati” because I like sewing, needlework, cooking, and yes even housework!

I think there is tremendous value in femininity, traditional womanhood, homemaking that has been diminished by women shaming women. Every time I see a comment like the one criticizing the artist I feel like the militant feminists are trying to shame the rest of us with ovaries into joining their gang. You do you, girly girls! You do you not girly girls! If we all do that we’ll just be happy girls! -Chicago Kitty

People in the comments relished the response the artist had given to the troll.

If nobody is actively forcing you to dress a certain way, then wear a garbage bag if that is what you want.

Feminism is about choice and that is how it should be.

Whether you are a tomboy or like to wear pink frilly dresses, both of those are choices and no one should ever be made to feel bad about these simple things. Just let people be who they want to be.

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