
Guy Snaps At Woman For Being Rude Whenever She Is On Her Period

  • By Malaika
  • May 6, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Periods can be extremely painful.

While this doesn’t happen to everyone as each individual is different but some women suffer from painful periods. And usually, people will get annoyed with little things that don’t even matter when they are in pain. That is just a normal humans reaction. However, there is no point in blaming your period for acting like a complete a**hole. Apparently, this girl didn’t get the memo.

I can’t really judge as I don’t know what she is going through or how much pain she is really in but that doesn’t give her an excuse for acting like this. She not only snaps at her boyfriends, calls him names but also doesn’t apologizes later. Most of us can’t help it when we blow up but we have the sense to apologize when we know we have overreacted.

Source: Part 1 | Part 2

From the looks of it, he understands that people can get frustrating to deal with when they are on periods.

However, he clearly has had enough of her antics so he decided to talk to her about this.


I’m someone with horrendous cycles. For about 10 days a month, I’m in extreme pain and have horrible nausea (I take medication to help, but it doesn’t always work). While I might not be the nicest person when I’m feeling awful, I’m not rude. I still thank people for helping me if they do. I try to be kind as much as I can and explain why I might look angry (waiting for nausea or cramps to subside give me RBF).

Your girlfriend is using this as an excuse to say whatever she wants without taking responsibility. It’s not ok, no matter how bad she feels. –littlemissbombshell

It unsurprising didn’t go well for him and she acted like a child by calling her mother.

Most people were on his side and advised him to talk to her.

They clearly need to communicate better and she may need some sort of therapy to control her anger.

Maybe approach this subject when she isn’t on her period so she is able to think more logically?

Some even shared their own experience with similar things.

However, the post doesn’t end there as he did actually end up breaking with her.

As you can imagine, she wasn’t too happy with this new development and neither was her mother.

After 30+ years of painful, bloody, curl-in-the-fetal position periods and several pregnancies with all the accompanying hormonal rollercoaster, rollercoaster, never have I ever said anything as remotely rude and insensitive to anyone nor have I ever thought it appropriate to do.

This is typical abuser behavior piggybacking on whatever they can get away with to justify their abuse.

NTA. She, however, is. –noteasytobecheesy

Even I get snippy when it’s that time of the month but never as bad as this.

Whatever she may be suffering from, she needs to think about it herself as she is no longer with this guy.

Do you think he has some sort of health issue? Or does she need therapy? What might be the reason behind this sort of behavior? Comment down below and let us know.

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