
Girl Claims ‘Women Who Wear Dresses Are Victims Of Patriarchy’, Gets Schooled

  • By Malaika
  • December 30, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

Women can wear whatever they want.

As I have said time and time again, feminism is all about equal rights and the freedom of choice. And while some ‘feminists’ have taken it too far belittling men and such. However, feminism by definition is not like that. And no women should have to appear more masculine to not be shamed. I know this sounds weird. But some extreme people have taken to insulting woman who wear girly dresses or like stereotypically feminine things.

I honestly do not understand this line of thought. Didn’t feminism get started because everyone wanted a woman to have freedom of choice. And is it really freedom if a woman is forced to appear more ‘masculine’ to fit into the feminist ideal? If you like video games and sports, good. And if you are obsessed with the colour pink and love wearing dresses, good for you.

Nobody should have to be squished into a box. We are all humans. And that means everyone has different interests and traits. However, one ‘feminist’ couldn’t agree with that when an artist posted an innocent comic.

Source: Tumblr

This is the artist behind the comic and her name is Kiana Mcmillian.

She obviously just wanted to show that people change as time goes on.

It honestly has nothing to do with feminism so stop shoehorning it into everything.

The response was complete gold. I’ve always been girly, and fell into the rabbit hole of vintage fashion when I was just a teen. Most days I look like a film noir star from the 40s, a housewife from the 50s or a secretary from the early 60s, and I get SO MUCH sh*t for it, especially from “feminists”.

People assume I’m reserved and boring and somehow shunning women who aren’t feminine. It’s ridiculous. We shouldn’t be teaching girls to be more aggressive to survive in an aggressive world, we should be teaching the world to be more compassionate and allow room for the compassionate and caring nature of femininity (which is in no way a negative thing unless it’s forced upon someone).

Tl;dr: regardless of gender, let people enjoy what they enjoy so long as no one is hurt. -beep boop

As you can imagine, the artist had to answer this dumb statement.

And I have to agree with every point this artist made here.

I love wearing makeup and jewellery, but I am not a big fan of the colour pink.

See how everyone has different likes and dislikes? That is what makes us human beings rather than robots.

I so much appreciate the artist’s response. I’ve been a girly girl my whole life, because it’s who I AM. Likewise, I love pretty things and enjoy traditionally feminine things and that’s okay because that’s what is right for me and makes me happy. I am sick to my back teeth of the militant so-called feminists shaming women who value traditional femininity.

I am not diminished, less-than, stupid or victimized by the “patriarchy” which has been tossed around so much lately it may as well be the “illuminati” because I like sewing, needlework, cooking and yes even housework! Furthermore, I think there is tremendous value in femininity, traditional womanhood, home making that has been diminished by women shaming women. Every time I see a comment like the one criticizing the artist I feel like the militant feminists are trying to shame the rest of us with ovaries into joining their gang.

You do you girly girls! You do you not girly girls! If we all do that we’ll just be happy girls! -Chicago

She is probably never going to be okay after that.

Just do whatever makes you happy.

If you want to wear sweatshirts for the rest of your life, that is fine as well.

I don’t know who said pink has to be considered ‘feminine’.

Exactly, do what you want to. Not because someone tells you to, or you want to fit into an ideal.

We should really stop pushing women one way or the other, there is always the middle ground.

What are your thoughts on this comic and the artist’s statement? Let us know in the comments below.

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