{"id":19473,"date":"2020-12-31T17:01:52","date_gmt":"2020-12-31T17:01:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/?p=19473"},"modified":"2021-01-06T13:48:53","modified_gmt":"2021-01-06T13:48:53","slug":"love-if-you-are-a-feminist","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/love-if-you-are-a-feminist\/","title":{"rendered":"39 Hilarious Tweets From Women That Every Feminist Will Laugh At"},"content":{"rendered":"

Inequality is still running rampant these days.<\/strong><\/h2>\n

We may have changed as society but there are still many parts of the world that are still stuck in the dark ages so to speak when it comes to women’s rights.\u00a0 So people who think we don’t need feminism any more because we already have equal rights clearly haven’t ever been on the Internet before.<\/p>\n

And what is the best way to combat inequality? Well, you are going to have to ask an expert for that. But what I can give you are an assortment of witty jokes that any feminist will love. You will definitely find most of these hilarious, and they will hopefully make you think about some things as well. So scroll on below to get to the meat of the article.<\/p>\n

#1 And we need food to survive.<\/h2>\n