{"id":20915,"date":"2021-05-02T10:53:03","date_gmt":"2021-05-02T10:53:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/?p=20915"},"modified":"2021-05-02T10:53:03","modified_gmt":"2021-05-02T10:53:03","slug":"woman-calls-a-man-adorable","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/woman-calls-a-man-adorable\/","title":{"rendered":"Woman Calls A Man ‘Adorable’ For Being Scared Of Strong Women, His Response Goes Viral"},"content":{"rendered":"

Who can be called a strong woman?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

A woman who sacrifices everything for the good of others? A woman who stands up for her ideals? A woman who has faced adversity and still comes up on top? There are a lot of things that can justify calling a person strong whether it be physically or emotionally. However, the feminism that gets portrayed in the media has contorted what it is actually about, equality.<\/p>\n

Women are in no way superior to men and men face many things as well and we shouldn’t discount those either. It should be a fight for equality. Women and men are not the same, we are different in many ways and similar in several others. However, we do deserve equal rights and that is what feminism is about by definition. However, like everything on the Internet, people have varying opinions on everything.<\/p>\n

And you can see one such opinion in the post below.<\/p>\n

Source: Tumblr<\/a><\/p>\n

We are not aware as to how this conversation started but this guy wanted to defend himself by posting about the experiences of the women in his life.<\/h2>\n


We should never put down other people to make a point that makes us look good.<\/h2>\n


However, calling out things like catcalling doesn’t make you less strong, or being afraid in some situations doesn’t negate your experiences.<\/h2>\n


Strong men don’t mew about women who mew, if we’re gonna go on the strength shaming ^^ Look, I’d get bothered, too, if I read something like #giveyourmoneytowomen (that’s like the least feminist thing I’ve ever heard). And yes I think being kind is the greatest way to be strong. But that doesn’t mean you have to be kind to people who treat you like a chunk of meat.<\/p>\n

Some of the stuff he mentions makes me think he thinks being a man includes having the right to being a douche and that if a woman’s bothered with them being a douche then she’s not ‘strong’. Like the catcalling and the manspreading. I mean, that’s just expecting men to behave like civilized creatures. I don’t subscribe to this boys will be boys concept… -Leni<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

There are a lot of feminazis and they are the reason many people are distancing themselves from the whole feminism movement.<\/h2>\n


Feminism was never about this but it has somehow become a vile shadow of what it used to be.<\/h2>\n


Being strong doesn’t mean you have to stand there and take everything that life throws at you with a stone face.<\/h2>\n


This is some prime bull right here. You don’t get to tout the achievement of others and use them as a club to beat people you don’t like. This is exactly like telling men to “grow up” and stop being “pusillanimous hypocrites” if they complain of being treated unfairly in society because your grandpa stormed the beaches of Normandy and HE didn’t complain about it.<\/p>\n

YOU didn’t storm those beaches however, the achievement isn’t yours, so I don’t think you have the right to use it this way. If your grandma has this opinion, then let HER express it, but you don’t get to speak FOR HER and especially not using her achievement to piss on others. Besides, nobody assigned you the gatekeeper of what feminism is or should be and what people are or aren’t allowed to complain about, especially if YOU haven’t confronted those problems yourself, so in the end, you just come about as a condescending prick hiding behind his grandma’s skirt to justify his own slanted view. -Alexandru Bucur<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

It is a complicated topic and some things he said resonated with people while others rubbed many the wrong way.<\/h2>\n


What are your thoughts on how he worded his argument? Comment down below and let us know your opinion.