{"id":20976,"date":"2021-06-12T08:10:25","date_gmt":"2021-06-12T08:10:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/?p=20976"},"modified":"2021-06-12T08:10:25","modified_gmt":"2021-06-12T08:10:25","slug":"women-gave-nice-guys-chance","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/unwomanly.com\/women-gave-nice-guys-chance\/","title":{"rendered":"30 Times Women Gave ‘Nice Guys’ A Chance And Regretted It Instantly"},"content":{"rendered":"

Being nice is not a personality trait.<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I know many people love to boast about how they are very nice and kind towards others but what I don’t understand is that how they think being ‘nice’ is something unique. One would think acting like a decent human being is something pretty normal. But in this day and age, it is actually quite hard to find people who do things out of the kindness of their heart rather than showing off or wanting something in return.<\/p>\n

However ‘Nice Guys’ are on another level. They make you feel like all of your past relationships have been nothing and that this is the moment you have been waiting for. THey treat you like a princess for a little while. But soon change their tone and try to control everything from what you wear to who you talk to.\u00a0 So we have some stories where women gave nice guys a chance and obviously regretted it soon enough.<\/p>\n

#1 A person is not a possession.<\/h2>\n


He tried to r**e me because I “belonged to him and only him” now. He thought a girlfriend couldn’t say no. I ended up putting him in the hospital. –TiredTigerFighter<\/a>,<\/span>Alex Green<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#2 Not being thankful.<\/h2>\n

He went out bowling with his friends and then when he came home he complained to me that for the first time in his life a hot girl had hit on him while he was out, and he was unlucky enough to actually have a girlfriend. He seemed genuinely sad he had to turn her down and expected me to be grateful he did it. – anonymous<\/a>,<\/span>Katerina Holmes<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#3 Truly a slave.<\/h2>\n


We fell in love and got married. I did EVERYTHING for him, cooked, cleaned, did the gardening, took out the bins, sorted all the household stuff like bills and stuff, nursed him after major surgery, ironed his shirts, and made him packed lunches. In return he\u2019d remind me how lucky I was he wasn\u2019t one of those terrible guys who went out drinking all the time and that I was so lucky to have such a nice guy.<\/p>\n

He left me for a friend of mine and screwed me over financially by taking the bulk of our savings… I\u2019ve now realized I don\u2019t want \u201cnice\u201d, I\u2019ve gotten myself a \u201cbad boy\u201d who also happens to be a \u201cgood man\u201d. Sexy and thrilling but with a heart of gold. – Still-Waters-ASMR<\/a>,<\/span>Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#4 Blaming everyone.<\/h2>\n


He was a friend of a friend. We went on a date, and it just didn’t click.<\/p>\n

The last thing I heard from him was a long rant about how immigrants were stealing his chance to get a girlfriend “because girls like being mistreated by evil Muslims, and the nice guy is forever alone”. That’s when I felt like I dodged a bullet. – anonymous<\/a>,<\/span>Ketut Subiyanto<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#5 Feeling insecure about your chances.<\/h2>\n


Dated the \u2018nice guy\u2019 of my friend group because he was really interested in me and all my friends wanted me to give him a chance. I endured 6 months of him requesting my location at all times and showing up unannounced and uninvited when I was on nights out.<\/p>\n

He claimed his behavior was because he \u2018had never dated someone as pretty as me\u2019. Never again. – therainandclouds<\/a>,<\/span>Karolina Grabowska<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#6 Getting someone pregnant.<\/h2>\n


Got another girl pregnant, a month before our wedding. But “he’s such a nice guy”. – Lisags23<\/a>,<\/span>Quang Nguyen Vinh<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#7 Trying to be romantic.<\/h2>\n


He was funny and friendly in public but turned into a different person as soon as we were behind closed doors. He was basically your textbook ab**er – manipulative, controlling, and demanding. He wanted to do some really weird and degrading (to me) s** stuff and acted like I was the psycho for not wanting to.<\/p>\n

He’d make angry comments like “I’m just trying to be romantic and YOU keep freaking out”. I got out of the relationship before he could hit or r**e me, but no question that was what the future held. Oh, and he still insisted that he was the nicest guy I’d ever meet. – Grawgar<\/a>,<\/span>Liza Summer<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#8 An actual nice guy.<\/h2>\n

Met him on Tinder and we went out to eat. He insisted on paying for it since I drove out there. We started dating and I remember thinking about 9 months in that we had never argued (quite opposite of my last relationship). We moved in together and adopted a dog together. The other day, we got in an argument and I realize that we have had arguments, he just actually talks about it instead of yelling.<\/p>\n

We close on a house and will reach our two-year mark in a few weeks. I\u2019m so glad I went against my normal type. I love him so much. – ThoseWhoHaveHeart<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#9 Inflating your own ego.<\/h2>\n


Went on and on about what a great, compassionate guy he was. He was actually just your garden variety, abu**ive psycho. He once said to me: \u201cI wish you had been ab**ed so you would realize how great I am\u201d. What the hell. Who says that?! – OhNoMyKeys<\/a>,<\/span>Claudia Wolff<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#10 Manipulative and controlling.<\/h2>\n


He became ab**ive emotionally, I became pregnant, he insisted I keep it. My son is 8 and he\u2019s seen him once. – foundmymark<\/a>,<\/span>Amina Filkins<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#11 Leaving everything behind.<\/h2>\n


I basically only matched with this guy on Tinder because he had a funny picture I wanted to comment on. The conversation was actually very pleasant and he asked me to have coffee. I figured I could use a friend.<\/p>\n

He was super nice on our date, and even though I didn’t find him attractive originally, his being so nice to me made me interested. I kind of felt like I had seen the light; maybe I should just date someone who is nice to me instead of just going after looks!<\/p>\n

Very long story short; I ended up moving to another country for him. He became very controlling, moody, and aggressive. It turned into an abusive relationship (emotionally and physically) and I don’t trust my own judgment anymore. – anonymous<\/a>,<\/span>Anna Shvets<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#12 Not wanting a monogamous relationship.<\/h2>\n


He seemed a bit shy but goofy, smart, and genuinely kind when he approached me, so I agreed to go out and we hit it off at first. A deep, meaningful conversation about our personal challenges, him quickly meeting my friends and me being the first person he called after a family emergency. We were both pretty vulnerable, but things were seemingly progressing somewhat well.<\/p>\n

One day he was on Tinder in bed next to me and when called on it, he said that dating me had made him realize that he needed more confidence and experience with women and thus needed to date a lot more different people, but that he only f****d the others at their houses, so I was obviously his no1. I freaked, cried, and broke things off – he called me the next day to casually ask me out to the new Hunger Games movie.<\/p>\n

I got an STD screening the next week – he harassed me at work for another 6 months. – caffeineawarnessclub<\/a>,<\/span>Budgeron Bach<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#13 Taking things to the next level.<\/h2>\n


I ended up filing a police report and moving apartments because he didn’t take it well when I broke up with him. He spent hours outside my apartment demanding an explanation because he just couldn’t understand that I didn’t want to be with him anymore. He was convinced someone had talked me into ending it, and if I would just hear him out I’d change my mind. Took 3 visits from the cops and a change of address before he got the message. – jl370<\/a>,<\/span>Vera Arsic<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#14 Controlled every aspect of her life.<\/h2>\n


We dated, he was attentive and “not like the other guys”. He wasn’t my type really, but I HAD been dating people who genuinely treated me poorly and I thought it was time I made a more mature decision and dated someone with a job, who respected me, etc. He proposed super fast. I married him. Fast forward, he slowly became the most ab**ive person I have ever known, demanding that I devolve into his s** slave.<\/p>\n

He was addicted to p*rn, weed, video games, and believed he was “not like other guys”. He was special, according to him. He was more honest, smarter, etc than anyone in the world and I didn’t appreciate him enough. I became a prisoner in my own home, he controlled all the money and my social life. I was miserable. One day he physically attacked me, basically a coercive\/physical r**e attempt, and I fled my home in panicked fear. He sent me a manifesto email telling me that unless I can submit 100% to his complete sexual control at all times, I was not to come home (to the house we owned together).<\/p>\n

We’re divorced now. He keeps trying to get me back, he “has changed” and misses me. Nice guys, not even once. – anonymous<\/a>,<\/span>Karolina Grabowska<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#15 Always jealous.<\/h2>\n


He was always nice to me but very easily jealous anytime another guy spoke to me. We were just friends and only went out once yet he felt like he needed to make me feel bad whenever other guys gave me a little attention. He also had a horrible drinking problem and serious anger issues. And the whole time he was trying to woo me, he was also hooking up with his ex and ended up getting her pregnant. So yeah, no regrets about that. – lyn90<\/a>,<\/span>Katerina Holmes<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

#16 A list of things wrong with him.<\/h2>\n


Absolutely horrible. Talked big on how he had gone through so much in life and learned so much that he finally got to a point where he considered himself a ‘nice guy.’ Surprise surprise he wasn’t. Over the 4 times we hung out (casual setting) I went to find out that<\/p>\n