
These Anti-Feminist Cats Are Against Feminism For Their Own Reasons

  • By Malaika
  • December 30, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

Most people are misinformed about feminism.

I mean it is not about belittling men in any way or thinking that women are superior to men because that is not true. Sure there may be some women who think like that, but the majority just want equality for men and women. But many people don’t seem to understand that and so have made many posts about how they are anti-feminist. I don’t think they fully understand what they are saying.

Mikov puts it perfectly.

Feminism is against victimization. Feminism is against belittling men. It is against oppression of anyone, for whatever reason. Being against feminism is saying, “I don’t want the right to vote. I want my employer to be able to harass me sexually with no legal repercussions. I do not want control of my body, legal equality with men, the right to own property, be educated, or stand up for myself. Furthermore, I want men to be able to tell me what to do. I want my legal status to be tied to my father, then my husband, then my son if I am widowed.” Your independence as a woman was not won by the founding fathers, but by feminists who fought long and hard.

You can pretend you don’t want those rights, but you use them every day. Feel free to do so. But don’t put down feminism because you’d rather be less-than, or because you are ignorant of history and politics. Read a book. Read a few.

So if you are fighting against feminism, this is what you are fighting against. Do you really want to do that? At least these cats have the irony to make it a bit more hilarious.

Source: Tumblr

This Tumblr started against the Women Against Feminism movement.

Unsurprisingly enough most people in this movement are quite wrong about what feminism stands for and thus are fighting against something that this world is desperately in need of. So that is why we have these cats who are confused about what feminism really is but decided to be against it anyway. Because why not?

Feminists are usually apparently cat ladies and that is a good thing in the mind of cats.

Nothing tops food. Food is always going to be more important.

Hey, cats need a place where they can post pictures of themselves holding signs denouncing feminism for assorted weird reasons that don’t seem to have anything to do with what feminism is actually about.

Cats already own humans. They don’t need more rights.

This fur baby will finish their statement when they get up from their unscheduled nap.

What do you think of this new movement? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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