
50 Hilarious Tweets That Prove Being Child-Free Is Awesome

  • By Malaika
  • December 30, 2020
  • 7 minutes read

Taking care of children is expensive.

We all know taking care of any sort of pet can be quite the splurge sometimes. Well, multiply that with a hundred, and you will get the amount that you will have to spend on your child. Now, I am not saying, you shouldn’t have kids. But I am also not saying everyone has to have kids. It should be a choice and shouldn’t be forced upon us like it is a necessary thing.

Many people want kids and that is great for them but other who do not shouldn’t be shamed for their life decisions. Just because you don’t have children doesn’t mean your life doesn’t have any meaning. Some might want to go around the world without having to care about someone. But just because you are scared of being alone when you get old doesn’t warrant bringing another human being in this world.

So that is why we have some tweets from child-free people that might give you a bit of different perspective.

#1 That would actually be a great idea.

Via TheRachelFisher

Commercials are aimed towards the target audience. The women celebrating the negative results would hardly buy 1 or 2 of their products but the women who are trying to have a child will buy a lot of them. –Roshan Dash

#2 A family can mean many things not just kids.

Via Kolkata_Chhori

#3 Women have to do all the hard work, don’t they?

Via DaveVescio

#4 That sounds like a great use of your time actually.

Via DestryBrod

#5 Honestly this should be a thing because kids can really damage a house.

Via ShalindaKirby

#6 Shouldn’t they put the dollar in rather than you?

Via molly7anne

#7 And who doesn’t like gold bars?

Via sauteslut

One of the most common myths about child free people are that we live sad, lonely lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.

People without children report that they enjoy nurturing the bonds they share with their partners and friends, that they feel fulfilled by having the time and resources to give back to their communities, and that they appreciate the freedom to pursue a wide variety of interests, passions, and hobbies. -Amy

#8 Everyone has their reasons.

Via CrissRad

#9 Just don’t use that method.

Via WineWeedWife

#10 Don’t force your ideals onto your kids.

Via ninisalinass

#11 At least you can have a tattoo removed or covered up.

Via molly7anne

#12 I’d say that describes a baby perfectly.

Via stupidoldandy

#13 Everyone would use one if they made such a commercial.

Via HenpeckedHal

#14 And nobody wants to hurt a poor dog right?

Via goldengateblond

#15 They can sometimes suck the life out of you.

Via slackmistress

#16 Having fun yet?

Via SpikeReeds

#17 If only we could do that.

Via OhNoSheTwitnt

#18 I bet she was happy it was only a tapeworm.

Via WheelTod

#19 Just because?

Via JonathanFowle10

#20 And relaxed.

Via ElizaBayne

#21 I mean you are a family and a kid doesn’t have to fit into that.

Via NatashaMLee

#22 That is my face every time.

Via Vynse

#23 Who wouldn’t cry with all the stress?

Via dafloydsta

#24 That is why I love being an Aunt.

Via enterrob

#25 As I said before, they can be removed.

Via EmiBarry

#26 They will never hand you a baby ever again.

Via mdob11

#27 What else are you supposed to say?

Via mdob11

#28 That sounds like a great time to me.

Via LizHackett

#29 I’d rather do the bloody Mary challenge.


#30 That is one way to stay careful.

Via leenewtonsays

#31 If they don’t want a kid why shame them?

Via WhoresofYore

#32 Just explain it in years.

Via jdelwoo

#33 I might be technically an adult, but I love swings.

Via JessFink

#34 Just stop already.

Via The_ME_Ellison

#35 I think you are adulting just as right as other people who want a kid.

Via joltofimpulse

#36 I aspire to be Auntie shark.

Via chescaleigh

#37 Those red puffy eyes? No, thank you.

Via AtsukoComedy

#38 I mean sleeping in till late is quite amazing.

Via lisaxy424

#39 It’s like everyone is a psychic now.

Via KingRainhead

#40 I am definitely going to use that one in the future.

Via Skelpyy

#41 Babies are just drunk adults.

Via goldengateblond

#42 How is that selfish?

Via ZachWeiner

#43 If it is Tom and Jerry then I might be okay.

Via robfee

#44 And that is why it is great.

Via nedostup

#45 Parents do need all the luck they can get.

Via sarahjoyshockey

#46 I think every bag of doritos is a single serving, and you can’t change my mind.

Via Annekinns

#47 Sounds like a solid plan to me.

Via kbnoswag

#48 That definitely sounds like my future.

Via probablyMalaz

#49 I think it is much more than that.

Via gabilynn47

#50 No arguing with that logic.

Via annetdonahue

Before you come for me. I am not hating on people who have or want kids. But we need to accept not everyone wants the same life. So just let people be and let them live their own lives. The world would be a much better place if we could be less judgemental after all.

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