
30 Of The Best Memes About Capitalism That Will Make You Laugh And Then Sad

  • By Malaika
  • June 12, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

Capitalism is great fun for some.

I am of course talking about the few wealthy who sit at top of the trillions they have accumulated over their life. Most of that money is because they are unwilling to do their due diligence and pay taxes so that the economy of a country can improve. The wealthy continue to get rich while the poor are going homeless day by day. Especially due to this pandemic, many people have lost their jobs and it is hard going but that does not affect the wealthy at all.

The quarantine in mansions with butlers and nannies while normal people aren’t even sure if they will get to have dinner that day. And while no everyone agrees that capitalism is a bad thing, but the way it has been implemented in this day and age is clearly favoring one party whole squishing the other one. The wealthy talk about all they are doing for everyone but are they really?

However, a few people having this discussion is not going to topple the world so why not take a look at a few memes about capitalism?

Source: Reddit

#1 But most modern media depict him as a white man with blonde hair.

#2 And this is when their ‘opinion’ breaks down completely.

#3 There are people who actually need that money and Kylie Jenner is definitely not one.

#4 We have to be the ones to change, not huge corporations.

#5 We are always angry at the wrong person these days.

#6 Anything to do with basic human needs suddenly makes you an activist.

#7 More jobs don’t equal good pay.

#8 More people are turning to illegal activities just to pay their bills.

#9 And yet we are angry at the poor employees who only work hard.

#10 Strange how that thinking works right?

#11 That is a truth that not many are ready to face.

#12 They say sitting on top of their ivory towers.

#13 Even the ‘Queen’ is not exempt from using people for her own gain.

#14 Some people just aren’t ready to change.

I duly believe that no one person/family should be allowed to amass the kinds of wealth the 1% have been permitted to. They should all be stripped of their wealth and have it redistributed for the “common good” or at the very least increase the pay of the ground-level employees to have a decent income and to pay out profits to them and not to a small number of investors.

#15 I think most people are going to let their hip dangle off rather than have surgery.

#16 I never thought they were middle class. They are clearly living the life.

#17 And most people don’t even have a bicycle.

#18 These are the bills in Canada after they had a kid.

#19 People with diabetes are better off just gorging on sweets. It’s at least cheaper.

#20 EVen if you get a Ph.D., there is no security that you will earn a good amount.

#21 Talk about punishment not fitting the crime.

I feel I have to write this once more: I lived for 23 years in a socialist country. My parents, both math professors, earned some 5000 lei per month. Each month they spend only 1-2000 lei. Wow, great! Great? No, because in socialism we had useless money. We had nothing to buy! No clothes, no books, no electric devices, nothing! Spend money only on the basic food, we could buy after hours and hours of queues.

We had warm water for 4 hours a week, no water at all during the night, no heat… And we were a high-social academic family! This is socialism! Ah, I forgot to mention: in socialism, there will be no more sites. Only the Party site. And only the party TV channel, the party newspaper, etc. Private companies are forbidden – even small shoemaking workshops, barbershops, hotdog stands – you name it! Stupid criminal socialism? A pleonasm!

#22 Some people got arrested but then it was just swept under the rug.

#23 The Russians are correct in this instance.

#24 Makes perfect sense if you ask me.

#25 He has ascended to a level we can’t even hope to achieve.

#26 Do all the work but never get paid enough.

#27 Isn’t it better to stop fighting amongst ourselves?

#28 I have no words to compliment this.

#29 Who cares if everyone else is drowning, at least we are safe right?

#30 They don’t care about these issues, money makes the world go round after all.

What are your thoughts on capitalism and socialism? Comment down below and let us know.

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