
50 Funny Posts That Only Feminists Will Find Hilarious

  • By Malaika
  • December 31, 2020
  • 7 minutes read

Media isn’t always truthful when it comes to women.

I mean have you ever seen a pad commercial? They show women wearing white pants and playing sports and such. While in reality most women stay under the blanket stuffing their faces with all the junk food they can find. Now, I am not saying some don’t go to the gym and live out their day as normal, but it can be quite painful.

That is why today we have some truths about women that many do not know. Of course, they are presented in a hilarious way, and you may find something new that you did not know before. Now some of these may appear offensive to some people. I assure you most of these are done with a good nature and shouldn’t be taken so seriously. So now that we have that out of the way, scroll on below and take a look.

#1 No need to make it so complex, and I would love to see that commercial.

Via pretty-rage-machine

#2 I mean this all technically true.

Via phant0m-jellyfish

#3 If life gives you d*ck pics, blackmail the people who sent them.

Via liftalittle

#4 Maybe they will realize some day.

Via itsstuckyinmyhead

#5 He had to know that was a mistake right?

Via hailtheduran

#6 Well, I don’t think he can heal from that one.

Via idiopathicsmile

#7 How is female body hair gross? Is it somehow different?

Via falloutdumbass

#8 Does he know he has that profile picture?

Via simonwang

#9 I honestly haven’t stopped laughing for 10 minutes.

Via thelast-thingido

#10 I think someone might hurt me if I say this.

Via saranthropology

#11 I absolutely love this response.

Via thrumbolt

#12 We have come a long way.

Via pale-fire

#13 They have magical powers. End of story.

Via fancynancyadventures

#14 I mean they are pretty mythical.

Via itsstuckyinmyhead

#15 Now I need a sandwich.

Via backfatt

#16 Does he understand the meaning of irony?

Via xyle

#17 And here I thought this was going to go downhill.

Via im-so-confused-about-everything

#18 Do the exact opposite!

Via alouncara

#19 The eyes are pretty sensual as well.

Via best-of-tumblr

#20 Let’s paint everything red!

Via veil-village

#21 Or maybe the grandmother?

Via hannah-died

#22 That is exactly what we should do!

Via ruinedchildhood

#23 Some people would rather not remember where they lost it.

Via fishingboatproceeds

#24 How will all the adults manage with exposed shoulder?

Via scotchtapeofficial

#25 The only way to respond.

Via itsstuckyinmyhead

#26 I really don’t want to see that.

Via omariospizza

#27 I bet some guys will like that.

Via sasstricbypass

#28 Are you still cringing when a girl curses?

Via hipopatmus

#29 The problem might be you if every relationship ends the same way for you.

Via heart

#30 I mean that isn’t a lie, and it isn’t hilarious.

Via thedailylaughs

#31 But don’t many Christians write books on Islam?

Via lisalisaluvchild

#32 That is a lot of horns.

#33 I am going to do this the next time someone asks for this.

Via sugarpumpkin

#34 We are mythical creatures, and we fart rainbows.

Via amscoffee

#35 And it’s not as if male nipples are different from a female.

Via i-peed-so-hard-i-laughed

#36 I can’t add anything to this.

Via tal9000

#37 Do men understand how bigger breasts can be quite cumbersome for many?

#38 Those are quite colourful.

Via toodopetoexist

#39 It’s not really a compliment.

Via femmefierce

#40 It is very hard because no is the word many don’t have in their dictionary.

Via chibichanga

#41 This is what we should all do.

Via the-grass-with-dreams

#42 Do you think she cares what you want?

Via kateordie

#43 I did like the beat at one point in time.

Via riendzonedagain

#44 I think he meant to say he hates when women lead him on.

Via scotchtapeofficial

#45 All the homo!

Via thepuppysizedelephant

A friend of mine is in a band and lives with another band member. They fight a lot and I suggested they should cuddle more often.

He laughed and panicked a little when I said I’d tell his friend to do so. BUT WHY??? They are best friends! I hug my friends all the time, and it feels damn nice! -Vivien E

#46 Everyone has a type and that is fine.

Via ohnofixit

#47 We can’t contain their radness.

Via m0rimak0

#48 Does Iron Man being female somehow detract from his character?

Via midnight

#49 All natural for the win!

Via heavenrants

#50 Just keep your opinions to yourself.

Via safetylights

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