
Guy Goes Crazy When She Refuses To Send Him Nudes, Calls Men ‘Masters Of Woman’

  • By Malaika
  • February 22, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Some people have no self-awareness. 

You would think that even the dumbest of people would understand that they are being rude. But from all the stories I have read on Reddit, that is certainly not the case. Most people would be able to realize that they are being a**holes by taking one look at their past messages but apparently not this guy. He is also a ball full of contradictions.

Firstly he says that her parents put a lot of restrictions towards her and that she should be free. Then he calls men the masters of women. And that every woman should essentially bow down to them. You can just sense the entitlement coming off in these text messages. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

Source: Part 1 | Part 2

I wouldn’t take anything he says seriously.

Not only is he making a lot of judgements here, but he is also acting quite creepy.

So she doesn’t have a boyfriend and that means she is a sl*t? What?

Of course, he would be a ‘nice guy’ and this is the first time I’ve seen anyone use this tactic.

Freedom usually mean she is free to make whatever choice she wants. And she doesn’t want to send him nudes.

But this is when he did a complete 180.

He apparently didn’t want her to be oppressed by her parents.

He apparently thinks woman should actually be oppressed by men. What a stud!

That line just takes the cake from me.

I have no idea what was going through his mind and I don’t want to know either.

But the story doesn’t end here as she sent the messages to everyone.

We’ll take this to the police station soon. And the things my school group chat had to say about him, those really did make my day, He’s been losing friends, but I feel like his friends should also tell him why what he said was wrong instead of just cussing.

Oh well, I’ll make sure the police does that.

He continued to dig his hole even deeper.

It’s as if he doesn’t care any more.

Or he really does think, nothing will happen to him.

Is beating his mom a sort of flex? What a toxic guy!

She even had something else to accompany these messages.

Now I get where he gets his charm from.

Hopefully he will get what he deserves because this guy seems unstable.

It’s literally illegal to ask a minor for nudes. You actually did “say no” & he got aggressive. If you’re going to ask someone who you don’t really know for nudes & get aggressive when they turn you down, you should fucking expect them to tell people.

Hell I’d even give him the benefit of the doubt if you turned him down & he apologized & left you the fuck alone, but the sense of entitlement & the overt sexism he had in your last post was downright disgusting. –Phil-McRoin

What do you think will happen to this guy since he is still under 18? Let us know your opinion in the comments down below.

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