
Guy Keeps Pestering Someone Asking Them For N*des And Assuming They Are Female

  • By Malaika
  • February 22, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

This guy just wanted to ‘buy’ a woman.

Everyone has their own opinion on s*x workers and if they should be legal everywhere or not. Apparently this guy wanted one night with a woman named Shay. The number he used was no longer is in use by that woman. You see, he had seen an ad on the Internet for those sorts of services and wanted to ‘buy’ them. However, there wasn’t any Shay on the other side of that number.

Although this guy didn’t let that deter him. After all he was too far gone. The funniest thing about this exchange is that he keeps assuming that he is talking to a woman. And that he isn’t a ‘p*ssy buyer’ (his words not mine) but he didn’t actually do that before once, and he definitely wanted to avail those services again. Honestly, he can do whatever he wants with his life but petering someone just because they are a woman is not okay.

Source: Reddit

At least he is direct and to the point. He doesn’t have any time to waste on niceties after all.

However, the other person on the line was not Shay.

However, this guy wasn’t going to let this deter him away from a ‘fun night’.

He does know that he is contradicting himself right?

We all know that is just a message, but he is too dumb to notice that.

I am genuinely curious whether this works for him or not.

So he admits that he has done this before, and he wanted to do it again even though it was disappointing.

I don’t think they can be any clearer on where they stand

What does that have to do with anything?

Okay ignoring the fact that he says there are only two genders, don’t woman use ‘dawg’ as well?

I mean he is the one who assumed a lot of things. It isn’t the other persons’ problem.

Do these people ever have one of those serene self reflecting moments, you know the moment that you get sometimes right before you fall asleep, the moments where you think about how in the hell you actually let yourself get this gross? –perennial_imposter

I think his other hand is too busy to properly see that this is not an image.

So he only talks to females? That makes a lot of sense, I suppose.

I wonder what his parents think, after spending years of effort and money to raise their kid, and he turns out to he some disgusting sack of sh*t who doesn’t know basic human decency and respect for women. –Jesusmo

It’s like saying you are a female is a green signal for them or something.

It was only once! Furthermore, it isn’t as if he was trying to do it again.

It’s his money and his life, so he doesn’t have to justify his choices to a bunch of strangers on the Internet. However, his behaviour really tells a lot about his mindset. What are your thoughts on this? Has something similar ever happened to you? Comment down below and let us know.

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