
Nice Guy Says ‘I Hope You Wither Away’ To A Girl With Eating Disorder

  • By Malaika
  • March 5, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Some people act like children when they don’t get their way.

Perhaps this is an insult to all children because they do not treat people as badly as nice guys do. What does this term even mean? Well, I think we all know guys in our lives who think they deserve something in return just because they are ‘nice’ to you. As if being a decent human being should mean a transaction in return. I have no idea what goes on in their mind because they change on a dime. Especially if they don’t get what they want.

And pardon me for being blunt what they usually want is s*x and nothing else. Sure they might dress it up as them being interested in you as a person. Or that you are special or some other bull but what they want at the end of the day is ‘use you’ and then leave you with nothing. A least most people have become aware of this and so these nice guys are usually blocked when they employ their weird tactics.

That is exactly what happened in the story below.

Source: Reddit

He starts with the age-old fake confusion as he didn’t even block her at all and that she was hallucinating or something.

A person usually knows when you block them. There is no point in lying.

I understand wanting to know how someone is doing but this is the worst way of asking that question.

And he then goes on to compliment her body. Can this be anymore sleazy?

If you have to explain then that means you are exactly like that.

He says he doesn’t care about looks and yet he was raving about her workout picture a moment ago. Does he have amnesia all of a sudden?

However, it isn’t long before he stoops to throwing insults her way just because she doesn’t want to talk to him.

His ego clearly couldn’t take the hit so he had to backtrack.

I am not even surprised by the responses anymore.

Just asking how they are doing is better than whatever he did.

He has no excuse for acting this way.

I’m 13 years recovered from anorexia. If I had a quarter for every time I got the same type of response from a guy about my disorder – I could have melted them all down, made a cannon, and had a delightful time.

Hindsight. –1dumho

I don’t think anyone would let him be a cop. At least I hope not.

This comment is golden and I am disappointed that we didn’t get to see what would have happened if she did use this.

I could just imagine him wearing a fedora.

On a brighter note, at least she is getting help and actually getting better so more power to her.

How would you have responded if someone acted towards you this way? Let us know your response in the comments below.

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