
Twitter Destroys This Guy Who Shared A List Of ’12 Rules For Beautiful Women’

  • By Malaika
  • April 20, 2021
  • 6 minutes read

Everyone has a type.

So people who get angry when an individual doesn’t find them attractive are just being overly sensitive. After all, there is nothing wrong with finding a particular physical trait attractive whether it is a specific color of eyes or a preferred body type. However, what this guy is doing is definitely not that. What he is doing is being a complete misogynistic tool who thinks the world revolves around him.

Sadly enough, his dumb tactics work most of the time and people like us just give him even more of a platform. Although, the comments he got were quite hilarious so we are torn whether this is a good thing or not. On one hand, he will probably never learn, on the other hand, it is always fun to see Twitter banding together to take an awful human being down.

Source: Twitter

This is Alexander who also said that men should stay away from women with unnatural hair colors.

I don’t know about you but I think this is great advice because that means the men who listen to his ‘teachings’ will stay far away from many women.

He was back at it again with another truth bomb.

It just seems like he is being offensive just for the sake of it.

It might be a great marketing ploy or he really is this stupid.

However, people in the comments were ready to take him down.

And we have some great responses.

This guy still thinks the world revolves around him and that every man wants to be him and every woman wants to be with him.

So basically being a ‘masculine men’ means being afraid of women speaking up?

Any woman would feel quite insulted if she was on his scale.

And then he goes to invent something called the wife value.

And sadly he is not the only one with these ‘thoughts’.

Exercising is a great thing but does he not understand how hormones work?

This is straight-up irony since he thinks he is so important just because he exists.

This line about how foolish women are to believe they have value just because they exist. That actually hurt because this is exactly how about 3/4 of the world think: That women have no value on their own just as appendixes to men and/or mothers. This is not enraging as much as it is depressing. -Katinka Min

Now we get to the tweets that actually matter.

It’s no surprise that people had a lot to say to him.

It should be 13 rules then!

I couldn’t place my finger on why he looked so familiar but now I know.

One user had a great tip for everyone, although why women would want to have a drink with him is beyond me.

Technically, it will fill his criteria to the T.

I truly hope he is.

We all think that people can’t really be this horrible.

But we are surprised every day.

If he ever wrote a book, this is what it would be like.

Surprisingly enough, many do agree with him.

I can definitely see him doing that.

I wouldn’t put it past him because the other seat is empty.

And yet I lost the little faith I had left in humanity as a whole.

Why don’t we just listen to each other and leave this stuff back in the old ages?

Nobody is born evil, he probably got rejected a few too many times.

And this has left him with a bruised ego.

He clearly needs to get out.

Then we have this hilarious comparison. Who is Alexander again?

His similarities with a caveman can’t be denied. The narrow and sunken forehead with the bulging eyebrow part, the slightly idiotic expression in his eyes and the putative minor volume of his brain. At least a silverback gorilla is more masculine………. -Slune

We must all be dumb to believe anything other than what this guy says.

This person shares their own list of what makes a man handsome.

And then we have a simple how-to guide for becoming a tool.

It really isn’t that hard if you behave like a decent human being.

I think she miswrote, she probably meant to say a ‘masculine man’.

Have any other remarks you want to make? If so why not comment down below and let us know.

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