
25 Men Who Have No Idea About How Women’s Bodies Work

  • By Malaika
  • January 6, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

This is why education is necessary.

Education that tells you about female and male’s anatomy and helps you understand the intricacies of what really happens within. And while I have seen women who don’t know the first thing about how a man’s body functions, this is much more common when it comes to a man’s knowledge about a women’s body. Although the weirdest thing is that they are unwilling to learn and act like everything they are saying is correct.

If you aren’t sure about something, don’t act like it. However, I do understand that a women’s bodily functions are just a bit more complex in nature and sometimes even women don’t know everything about their own bodies. Although that is not what we are here to talk about. We have compiled some of the weirdest and the funniest misconceptions that some people have about a woman’s body.

So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

Source: Reddit

#1 He does know that isn’t permanent? And the argument is stupid in the first place.

#2 I don’t think he has ever made a woman orgasm or else he would know.

#3 That has to be a joke. We aren’t from a horror film.

#4 I stopped reading after ‘As a guy.’

#5 I don’t even want to know what they were talking about beforehand.

#6 At least he was a champ about this being posted on the Internet.

#7 And what is testosterone? A hormone.

#8 And it’s good for men? What is the logic behind this?

#9 Where and how did he come to this conclusion?

#10 That would be a serious medical problem if blood starts leaking out from there.

#11 A woman would usually know about that sort of thing on the account of having one.

#12 Well, I think I have had enough internet for today.

#13 I honestly can’t deal with this any more.

#14 These people have no self-awareness at all.

#15 If men can’t poop and pee from the same hole, how could a woman?

#16 Sorry to break it to you, but pee isn’t stored in the uterus.

#17 He could have just done a quick google research to understand.

#18 I have no words.

#19 Let’s force him to excrete a bowling ball out of his a** and then we will see if he needs painkillers.

#20 Did he really think that females have periods since birth? That would suck.

#21 I get that Internet has a lot of misinformation but this is straight-up crazy.

#22 Why would that hurt if you don’t have a medical problem?

#23 No matter how many times you say it, pubic hair is normal.

#24 You do know humanity couldn’t procreate without this?

#25 Daniel can do whatever he wants, no need to advertise it.

What is the weirdest thing you have heard or seen a man say about woman’s anatomy? Comment down below and let us know.

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