
‘Nice Guy’ Gets Angry When He Gets Rejected, Calls Her Obnoxious

  • By Malaika
  • January 15, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Nice guys are everywhere these days.

For people who don’t know what ‘nice guy’ stands for, let me enlighten you in the ways of the Internet. You see nice guys are men who think they are great because they treat women with ‘respect’ because they want something in exchange. In reality, they are just creeps who moan about how women only go for jerks, and they get stuck in the friend zone. If you have a friend like this, then I suggest you be careful because he just might be a ‘nice guy’.

The following story is just one in the sea of many others just like it. I am surprised that these guys haven’t learned about what a meme this whole thing has become. You would think, they would stop doing this. But in their mind, they are probably teaching some b*tches a lesson or something. I honestly don’t know if they think this will impress the girl they like somehow.

Source: Reddit

The conversations starts out alright with him asking her out.

She is clearly non-committal about the whole idea and is only interested in talking about Anime.

But this is when he takes it up a notch by dissing the guy she likes.

You know what he really meant was you should stop talking to that guy because I like you and see him as a threat to your liking me. Kinda sad that instead of trying to better himself and make people like him more he decides to degrade others.

And he’s not even subtle about it like at least put some effort in if you’re going to manipulate someone. –AdamWithoutEva

We can all see how he just slips these ‘tid bits’ in normal conversation.

And she has finally had enough, so she tells him straight-up.

Unsurprisingly enough, this is when he changes his tune and calls her obnoxious.

Yeah, big old’ NOPE from me. The nice guy I dated in 1991-1993 once just flipped his lid. We only had landlines then, no cells that we could afford. So that night, I was on the phone with my best friend just gabbing and making jokes, fun stuff. Within seconds of hanging up with her, the phone rang. I picked up there was silence. Hello? “Where were you for the last hour?” I was talking to my friend, why?” “Were you home” ‘yeah, I was talking to Vivian.”

“I don’t want on the phone like again.” I laughed at him which didn’t go over well at all. I told I was going to talk to any damn person I feel like talking to. Just calm down.!”

That was the fight that lasted for days. –jenkraisins

That made perfect sense in his mind, apparently.

Only ‘Nice Guys’ or Incels would think this would work.

This guy is clearly a walking red flag and everyone should stay far away from him.

That is very true, and I am ashamed to admit it but even I employ this method at times.

If someone sends you short messages, they are not interested.

I understand it is hard to understand someone’s motives over text, but he was just plain rude.

What do you think about this guy? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share, so others can join in the comments with their opinions as well.

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