
“Nice Guy” Steals Woman’s Number From Store Then Can’t Handle Rejection

  • By Sara
  • January 15, 2021
  • 3 minutes read

“Nice guys” are one of my biggest fears.

If you don’t know what a “nice guy” is, you are one of the few lucky people who have never encountered them. Trust me, not a lot of women can say that for themselves. Let me enlighten you. A nice guy is a man who approaches a woman acting really polite and trying to tell her that he is really different from other guys, but when he gets rejected he can not handle it and starts cursing the woman. If reading that just reminded you of someone, I am really sorry. Nice guys are everywhere and it doesn’t take long before they show their true colors. Avoid “nice guys” at all costs. They are highly manipulative and toxic.

This woman shared her encounter with a “nice guy” over text and posted the screenshots. The man was a worker at a store and stole her number from the counter. When he got called a creep for doing that, he started calling her a sl*t. Scroll down below to read the entire absurd conversation:


The man texted her out of nowhere and he replied with his name, reminding her of the games they talked about at the store.

She repeatedly asked him how he got her number, and he told her he stole the number because he wanted to invite her over for “a good time.”

She called him creepy and disgusting and he started cursing her.

She called the store and forwarded the screenshots to his boss, and he apologized immediately while calling himself sad and pathetic.

However, the apology didn’t last wrong as he sent her another text disrespecting her and threatening her.

That guy is a psychopath. I mean, who steals a number and acts all entitled like that? How do you even have the audacity to get mad at someone who is creeped out by you noting their number without their consent? This guy needs to learn his lesson by losing his job so he would think twice before doing something like that again.

This is how other Redditors responded to the woman’s story:

The woman just took it as a joke in the end.

Yes, that is exactly what good guys do.

That was not an apology. It was a joke.

Girl, this should not surprise you anymore.

Sad and pathetic he surely is.

It doesn’t matter, he has lost it now. Or at least we hope he did.

Have you ever faced a “nice guy” in your life? How did you deal with it? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.

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