
People Of Color Shared Ridiculous Reasons Police Stopped Them For

  • By Malaika
  • April 19, 2021
  • 6 minutes read

The color of one’s skin shouldn’t matter.

No matter how you look at it. Racism is still prevalent around us especially when it comes to within the ranks of police. We are supposed to trust the justice system and know that it is there to help us. However, that is definitely not true for many people. It sadly depends on what skin color you possess. Of course, now every authority is like this but even looking at the stories told by real people is horrific.

People who have never faced racism themselves can only hope to listen and try to support the individual because understanding it on a deeper level is near impossible for many. Several black people have come face to face with death even when they didn’t do anything wrong and got stopped for a made-up reason. And this is not an exaggeration.

So when one Twitter user asked people around the world to share their stories, sadly there were many instances that just go to show we still need to change a lot as a society.

Source: Twitter

William started this all with their own experience with the police.

#1 Jonathan was stopped when he was only 15 years old.

#2 Many of these instances escalate into headlines.

#3 Or just another number in the statistic.

#4 Why they even let racist people in the police force is beyond me.

#5 Racial profiling is at an all-time high even in this day and age.

#6 Just imagine if they would ever do something like this if it was a white person.

#7 Many police officers don’t care what kind of scars they are giving to children.

#8 They use their badge for their own nefarious means.

#9 Sweep everything under the rug by saying ‘I was scared for my life.’

#10 They are the ones with weapons, how are they afraid of teenagers?

I couldn’t read all of them, but at least we don’t have to say their names. I have been stopped once. I am adopted,, I am black and my parents and sibling are white. My dad took me to the front of a concert and when we came back, Police Officers came up and had their hands on their guns, asking my dad if he was sure I was his kid because “She’s black and looks dangerous.” I was 6-7. -Call Me Mars

#11 Being black means you can’t do normal things that shouldn’t be a big deal.

#12 Even go as far as being suspicious over black people not being criminals.

#13 Some people like to say black people need to stop playing the victim.

#14 And that racism is not even prevalent anymore.

#15 But then you hear stories like these and it makes your blood boil.

#16 Does someone’s skin color make them really that different?

#17 We are all human beings, why can’t we act like one?

#18 Most of the time police don’t even have to face repercussions for their actions.

#19 This happens because they know they can get away with it.

#20 And it will only stop if they know it is impossible to get away with it.

I have been driving in the UK for 20 years since I was 17. I haven’t been stopped by the police EVER during that time. My best mate who I have known since we were 11 is black. He works for a University and drives a pretty nice but perfectly common Mercedes saloon, pretty similar to my mid-range BMW actually.

I have lost count of the number of times over the years he said to me “sorry I’m late, got pulled over”. It must be a dozen or more. It’s just absolutely sickening this happens so much even in a supposedly non-racist country like the UK. -Wilf

#21 There needs to be a proper punishment for racial profiling.

#22 How is it okay to stop someone just for having darker skin?

#23 I wasn’t aware more melanin meant you are automatically a criminal.

#24 Even kids aren’t exempt from their prejudice.

#25 And parents need to teach their kids this sad truth.

#26 That the world they are growing up in is not fair.

#27 That they will probably not get treated equally.

#28 And that some people will treat them as less than humans.

#29 These stories are just a few of what black people face every day.

#30 Racism has no vanished and thus we shouldn’t stop talking about it either.

I got through 30 before I had to stop. This is infuriating. I am white and have never had a bad experience with the police. My experience should be that for everyone. Your skin color only affects your physical appearance it doesn’t define you as a person. This behavior from police, from people, needs to stop now. –CatWoman312

If you think about it, the saddest thing is that we even need movements like black lives matter. Because it should be a given. And yet so many people have to fight for the right to be treated like human beings.

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