
13 Hilarious Tweets By Women That Might Trigger The Se*ists

  • By Malaika
  • March 5, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Feminism is now at the center of most controversies.

Some people take advantage of this word and take it to extremes ending up hating men while others want nothing to do with this word because they think it makes them unique or more ‘with the guys’ if they say that they are not feminist. Whatever way you may land upon in this argument, there is no denying that there are things seriously wrong with society when it comes to equal rights.

While it is true that many people don’t want to see and want to continue living in a blind haze, that does not make the facts go away. That is why we have some tweets that put these facts front and center in a way that you will find hilarious but poignant at the same time. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

#1 He might be a little too young to hear about this. Perhaps wait a few years?


#2 Having things in common can help you climb the corporate ladder and they did have a ‘job’ in common.


#3 This might seem like a joke but I have apologized to inanimate objects more times than I would like to say.


#4 The #metoo movement is great and all but The hat pins sound fashionable and useful to me.


#5 It is a delicate balance that can be tipped to any side at any moment and bring about the end.


#6 The scariest thought is ‘What if they are?’


#7 So the souls who have departed from this world can tell you what to do? Interesting.


#8 Or whether the kid would be a ‘pink bow’ or ‘tires’.


#9 Does anything else even need to be said?


#10 To be fair, anyone would confuse fries and men.


#11 This dream may not be easy to achieve. I recommend giving up.


#12 Sometimes they need to hear it a few times before it completely sinks in.


#13 They are technically correct.

Maybe all these aren’t perfectly polite politically correct gender equality, but they are a lovely humorous way to express anger at persistent inequality. Women are allowed to be angry. And we don’t have to be perfectly polite all the time. Like being polite is not going to get anyone anywhere, and it’s not going to get better if we’re nice. People are basically saying that we’re not allowed to be angry, we’re not allowed to stand up for ourselves, and we’re not allowed to speak our truth for fear of offending someone.

That’s not the world I want to live in. If men are so offended by these jokes, maybe they should look in the mirror and ask themselves what they can do to help the problem, because there’s always something you can do. -Claire

Hopefully, you found these as funny as we did. Comment down below and let us know. And don’t forget to share this with your friends so they can join in with their opinion as well.

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