
30 Tweets Explaining ‘What Women Don’t Want From Men’ In 2021

  • By Malaika
  • April 19, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

Feminism has gained a lot of attraction these days.

Whether it is for good or bad remains to be seen. While feminism started as a cry for equal rights for women and men, some people have used its name to further their opinion. Especially the feminazi’s who are the ones usually represented in the media. And many people see it as women wanting better rights than men or thinking they are superior to men.

I am not going to sit here and say that some women don’t think like that because they do but the majority just simply want equal rights and nothing more. Because women and men face issues in this society and we need to have an honest discussion that hears both sides and unites together rather than pinning the blame on each other. And while some people will see the following tweets as the opposite and trying to cause rifts, we can also look at it from a different perspective.

So scroll on below and take a look.

Source: Twitter

#1 It isn’t helping out, it is just taking care of your responsibility.

#2 Some humans are ’emotional’, others aren’t. It doesn’t depend on gender.

#3 It really is as simple as that but people refuse to see it that way.

#4 If she wants to smile or has something to be happy about, she will.

#5 This one is just plain weird.

#6 It is just a stereotype that hurts both women and men.

I had the opposite experience. I’m a man and my female manager told me I’m too emotional … Only because I gave my engineer’s opinion that what she wanted to attempt was not technically possible …

Something like “hmm, that won’t work because that’s not the right technology”. She got mad and told me in front of the team that I should stop being emotional. (We all looked at each other because we didn’t understand where that came from) -kurisutofu

#7 If you have an agenda behind a gesture then it is not ‘nice’.

#8 We do need feminism in many countries.

#9 Having kids isn’t the pinnacle of success for women.

#10 Sadly, some women do care about that.

#11 Not taking women seriously because of their gender is just dumb.

#12 I don’t think anything more needs to be said.

Does everyone remember the accusation by Jane Doe against him and Epstein? Remember her dropping them from being intimidated into silence? Does anyone want to revisit this, please? -Colin Leetham

#13 Everyone has hair, it is normal.

#14 Just be decent human beings regardless of your gender.

#15 Just because someone is being nice doesn’t mean they like you.

#16 Just no unsolicited pictures.

#17 Apparently having short hair automatically makes you a lesbian.

#18 Everyone needs a break but it shouldn’t be expected when they are your kids.

#19 Nobody wants that.

#20 Just let us choose for ourselves.

#21 Looking and staring are very different concepts.

#22 Everything one sees in the media isn’t real.

#23 This is just straight-up gross.

#24 Mansplaining at its finest.

#25 These things are considered awful in women as well.

#26 Just listen to what she has to say before deeming her ‘hysterical’.

Oh my God, I couldn’t agree more. Telling someone- anyone- to calm down has never been a good idea for me. You need to be more constructive than that- or leave them alone, normally one of those. -pusheen buttercup

#27 Or holding one’s hand when we give them money.

#28 It isn’t appreciated one bit.

#29 This doesn’t need any more explanation.

#30 One can be empathetic towards the opposite gender so don’t discount what a woman is saying.

What are your thoughts on these tweets? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share the changes you would like to see happen in the future as well.

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