
Woman Hugs A Stranger And Asks For Help When She Is Being Followed By Three Men

  • By Malaika
  • April 18, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

Women are scared of many things.

And most of the time that fear is not unfounded. Even if you look at the statistics women are much more likely to get followed at night. And when one has to get home late at night, there is always some sort of fear. There is a reason women don’t go on walks late at night. I am not saying this doesn’t happen to men because that is a lie but it is much more likely to happen to women.

Source (Not the actual picture)

So no matter what anyone says, it is never about what sort of clothes you are wearing or what you are doing. It is always about the power and the thrill of it all. That is why women have to be extra careful in most situations. And you can see one instance for yourself by scrolling below. Thankfully this woman didn’t turn into just a number in the statistic and actually got out of the troublesome situation by asking for help from a stranger. It was definitely a risk but it paid off.

Source: Twitter

This guy didn’t know what happened when a woman hugged him.

He clearly didn’t know her and he was afraid as well.

After all, how was he to know, she wasn’t in on it.

But he realized she wasn’t faking it and decided to help her.

This experience changed his whole perspective.

We have all faced this before in our lives.

So he called her the next day to check up on her.

And that is when she told him the full story.

As a woman I’d just like to say, if you are ever in that situation please don’t think you can’t go to another female to get rid of creepy men. I, for one, would have your back 100%, also walk you home, and if it came to it, fight for you. Women turn into friggin tigers when they need to protect others. Very very glad this man was here for her though! -Cosika

She knew she was taking a risk but she had no other choice.

It was amazing that he reacted so quickly.

Because many of us wouldn’t know what to do in that situation.

There is no use in dwelling about the what-ifs.

It helped him see the world from her eyes for just a moment.

All in all, they had a wonderful chat about some things.

And he even offered to walk her home whenever she felt like it.

I might not believe in fate but this was one hell of a coincidence.

People in the comments had a lot to say about this.

This happened to my mom when I was with her. And I was 9!!! We were shopping for clothes for my sister and me and then an older man just came and started following us. My mom couldn’t do anything because she was raised in India, and in India, you respect your elders no matter what. But I wasn’t raised like that. I ran towards the man and kicked (you guess where) and We ran until we got in the car. My mom then started crying.

Then a worker who had noticed me kick him knocked on our window to make sure we were ok. He even gave me some candy and my mom some water we thanked him and went our separate ways. -that one sushi

And many shared their own experiences.

This happens a lot and while we can’t eradicate it, this sort of thing helps.

Hopefully, this spreads more awareness about what people have to face.

And we try to be empathetic towards each other from now on.

There are many people in the world brimming with kindness.

And hopefully, in the future, it shows in the media as well.

It might have been just one instance but there are many stories unheard just like this one where there was no one to save the individual.

Have you ever had to deal with this sort of thing or this ever happened to someone you know? Comment down below and let us know how you responded.


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