
Women Accepts The Compliments Men Give Her As Part Of An Experiment & Its Shows The Reality

  • By Malaika
  • January 1, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

Who doesn’t like to be complimented?

I mean most people love it when someone gives a genuine compliment. But there is also the fact that it can be quite creepy at times when a total stranger calls you ‘s*xy’ in the middle of the street. However, most women do not respond and just ignore it which can sometimes anger the cat caller more. And then there is the Internet where some men think women are supposed to reply to every message they get.

The weird thing throughout all of this is how men can respond to the way you accept their compliment. I mean many people don’t know how to deal with a compliment and don’t want to come off as conceited, so they try very hard to portray a humble image when accepting a compliment. However, what happens when you agree with that person. Some will just laugh it off or not even say anything else and others go off the handle to ‘bring you down a peg’.

I can’t believe I even have to say this but not all men do this, and we all know that. But we are not talking about every single man on earth, are we? We are just talking about the few who do this.

Source: Twitter

This is the Twitter user Feminista Jones who started it all.

You wouldn’t think that would piss off a man since you are agreeing with him but apparently it does.

I mean how can she not know? Can’t women be confident in their own bodies? Is that so wrong?

There is always going to be people who get upset over the silliest things.

Why wouldn’t you say thank you though? Isn’t that just polite?

But why? This is blowing my mind to be honest.

Just because she likes her own hair makes him like it less? What perfect logic!

Well I did it all my life, whenever someone comments with “You’re smart huh?” I say “Well yes, otherwise you wouldn’t talk to me, would you?” I simply question their intelligence 🙂 It’s different when it comes to look though. Men who are afraid of a woman that recognize their beauty aren’t interesting to me anyway. So when a guy tells me “Your hair/face/legs/eyes/whatever is/are pretty”

I usually reply with “Thanks” … usually you get three different reactions … 1) almost none 2) wow you’re narcissistic/cocky/full of yourself OR 3) Wow finally a woman that doesn’t have confidence issues. And the last guy is the only interesting one, at least to me (I don’t generalize) because he can deal with a personality that doesn’t need to be fake-humble or fishes for compliments with “Oh I’m so fat/ugly/whatever” just for people to say “NOOO you’re not”. My 2 cents about that. -Ella She

Women ought to win an Oscar for the numerous times they have to act fake.

His mind just can’t compute.

I am honestly going to start doing this.

What is so wrong with accepting a compliment?

Everyone should try doing this if you ask me.

What else is she supposed to say?

I typically compliment them back. I had a man at the gas station tell me I was an “exceptional woman who looked very happy” and I responded “Hey, thanks. You are wonderful at compliments.” He told me his name, I told him mine, we shook hands and away he went.

When a man compliments me on my outfit I usually commend him for his excellent taste. If he compliments me on a particular body part (my bum usually) I say something funny like “Thanks for noticing all the time spent on those squats and lunges!” If they are crude then I usually just pretend I don’t speak English. -Nicole Pierce

Apparently some people just don’t like a woman who is confident in her beauty.

Have you ever done this? If so what was the response? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to spread the word, so others can do this as well.

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