
Women Call Out Every Day S*xism In Tweets

  • By Sara
  • March 15, 2021
  • 4 minutes read

It is 2021, can we stop with the sexism now?

Women are bound to casually face sexism at every stage of their life. When you are a baby, your mom is praying for a son. When you’re a kindergartener, your teacher thinks sports are meant for boys. In high school, you will be sent home because a creepy old teacher thought your outfit was inappropriate. When you graduate and get a job, you will face sexism in the workplace. It never ends. Sexism has dug its roots deep into our society. Sadly, we have gotten so used to it that we don’t realize how ridiculous it is. It is so common that people see nothing wrong with it. It seems “harmless” to some, but it is costing a lot of women their lives.

So women on Twitter decided to call out society’s sexism in random tweets. Some of these can really be eye-openers. We really hope people start seeing what is wrong with our society and how toxic it is for women. Scroll down to read some of the tweets:

1. Some men just need someone to tolerate their emotional manipulation.

Via @ErinMRodgers

2. They would respect a stranger guy before they respect a woman in front of them.

Via @ShahdBatal

3. Being a decent human being isn’t that hard.

Via @fallawaybandito

4. An easy solution by Jesus Christ himself.

Via @baylagarden

5. Love the logic here.

Via @gobananas

6. There is always an excuse for the behavior of boys.

Via @iamaroadtrip

7. That term is not meant to be used in this sense.

Via @hydrated

8. They need to set their priorities straight.

Via @sevreds

9. That makes the two of us.

Via @danadonly

10. But they don’t like it when the tables turn.

Via @_withawhy

We have been excusing men for their actions for so long that they don’t fear facing any consequences. It is time we hold them accountable for their actions so they think twice before causing any harm. It is important for women to recognize when someone is being sexist so they can call them out for it at the spot. Scroll down below for the rest of the tweets:

11. Neither sexism nor feminism is going to help you when you are hungry.

Via @jjamz_

12. This will teach them to mind their own business.

Via @xLiserx

13. Explain to me how you think an 11-year-old child is a grown-up.

Via @kaijuno

14. This guy is special.

Via @i_Lean

15. Why do men think everything a woman does is solely for the purpose of impressing them?

Via @v7ren

16. Some people really don’t understand that we have to be cautious everywhere.

Via @appasglock

17. Boohoo, your life must be so difficult.

Via @OhNoSheTwitnt Man

18. How can they even begin to think that is worse?

Via @moongoddesscunt

19. Every single one.

Via @CourtneyCogburn

20. All you need is basic empathy.

Via @mollykhadija

Do you have anything to add to this list? How would you like to call out sexism in society? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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