
20 Posters Showing Why Every Women Should Thank Feminists Throughout History

  • By Malaika
  • December 30, 2020
  • 5 minutes read

We are here because of feminism.

Many people might not see it that way. But back in the old days nobody would even take a woman seriously let alone read something written by a woman. Why do you think so many female writers were anonymous back in the day? And this wasn’t hundreds of years ago, it was quite recent, so we have made quite a few strides when we think about it.

However, now we have women who don’t want to be called feminists because of dumb reasons while they speak about their issues. Do they not understand that the only reason they have freedom of speech is because of the same feminism they claim to hate? If they really were against feminism, then they would be against having any sort of rights such as women owning property, having the right to vote and even wearing pants.

So today we are going to celebrate the women and men that came before us and fought within this movement. The following are some of the posters that put things in perspective.

Source: Facebook

#1 We all like to have our voices and opinions heard right?

#2 It seems like such a simple thing, doesn’t it?

#3 Yes, That wasn’t allowed back in the day and still isn’t in many parts of the world.

#4 Wearing a bikini at the beach? That is because of feminism.

#5 Not everyone likes wearing dresses all the time.

#6 That is everyone’s dream nowadays. To own a house.

#7 How else would you got to your dream college if your parents couldn’t pay for it?

#8 Always dreamed of becoming an Olympic athlete? Thank feminism.

#9 Yes, women didn’t have the right to do that.

#10 The choice is all that matters even if you think it’s wrong.

#11 Because it is a normal bodily function at the end of the day.

#12 Even nowadays women are forced to stay in toxic marriages because of society.

#13 Quite a change, isn’t it?

I remember being told by a manager at the provincial Building Society in 1968 that my husband needed to be there before I could discuss a mortgage. I could not open an account there without my husband completing the application form, so many other things women could not do.

In Ireland, until, I think, the early 70s, women had to give up working outside the home when they married. It is indeed liberating that millions of women have choices – brought about by the bravery of those 19th and 20th century women. Still more to be done by slowly getting there. -Maria HamiltonLyons

#14 At one point in time, you couldn’t do that.

#15 We are still working on that for women and men. One day we will get there.

#16 How else would you be able to buy loads of pants and own a property?

#17 Because that is many women’s dream.

I believe the problem with “modern” feminism is that it has lost its meaning. True Feminism, at its core, was about gaining equal rights. That’s a good thing, and I’m all for that. The modern “feminist” seems to think that they are entitled to something more than that. At least in my experiences anyway.

As a person, I’m completely for equal rights all around. That’s really all we’re entitled to anyway. –Dave Pratico

#18 Woman’s testimony is half the worth of a man’s in some parts of the world.

#19 Even if you don’t like to do that, you can.

Yes exactly, the younger generation do not understand, their current rights are due to a few brave women who fought bigoted, patriarchal systems to win you your rights. Freedom of choice to be, say, or do. –Jennifer Falconer

#20 And you will even get pregnancy leave.

#21 Because higher education is important.

Many of us have forgotten what our ancestors did for us. So we run our mouths about feminism. But it is till very much needed. So let us know your opinion in the comments below.

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