
50 Women Who Roasted Men To A Crisp In 2020

  • By Sara
  • January 5, 2021
  • 6 minutes read

Women really have had enough.

There was a time for women where they would be forced to marry a man they didn’t even love. She would have to spend the rest of her life with this person, all dolled up, and she could not speak against anything she felt was wrong if she were a good woman. Well, aren’t we glad the world has made so much progress? Women now have more rights than they ever even imagined to have back then. They are able to speak against things that they don’t like and live their lives the way they want to.

Men always make fun of women in public, saying they are over-emotional, needy, and the list goes on. Well, it is time for women to roast them back. Women have been quiet for way too long. There are things about men that we hate too, and we’re finally going to say them out loud. No disrespect intended, though. It is all just light humor. Scroll down below to read 50 women who roasted men to a crisp in 2020:

1. Make your own cereal dinner.

Via @3sunzzz

2. The vaccine needs to be scared of you.

Via @jaboukie

3. I have an advantage.

Via @ballerguy

4. That’s creepy.

Via @blairsocci

5. You have men inside you, what’s worse?

Via @alesiavsworld

6. They’re easy to impress.

Via @biboofficial

7. I want to meet this man and ask him what is wrong.

Via @objsucks

8. It is pure torture.

Via @blairsocci

9. I miss saying I don’t have a phone while holding a phone.

Via @freshhel

10. Why do they twitch in their sleep?

Via @defnotsally

11. They have been spoiled.

Via @alyssa_schoener

12. The truth has been spoken.

Via @amore_orless

13. You could just say no.

Via @ballerguy

14. Why are you ashamed to do that?

Via @feminist_thot

15. That explains so much.

Via @stingg_

16. Men whine so much.

Via @roxiqt

17. You guys have it easy.

Via @PallaviGunalan

18. Money, it is.

Via @Adollarz_

19. Let them love nature.

Via @2Saddington

20. Come on, guys.

Via @talliesinyoung

21. The holy image.

Via @SydneyBattle

22. Why do they all have a picture of themselves holding a fish?

Via @sherrysworld

23. Amen to that.

Via @Lisamarieq_

24. Who would have thought?

Via @sarabellab123

25. Why is she exposing us all?

Via @sherrysworld

Well, well, well. How the tables have turned. Men underestimate women’s roasting skills. These women are absolutely lethal and I would hate to be at the receiving end of these roasts. It is highly entertaining as well. We are so glad women can voice their thoughts in 2020. Scroll down below for more roasts and sick burns:

26. This is a fun game to play.

Via @SydneyBattle

27. Seems interesting.

Via @blairsocci

28. The vaccine should be the least of your problems.

Via @alyssa_schoener

29. If he doesn’t, he isn’t the one.

Via @lunatically

30. Talking about dark times.

Via @danadonly

31. Do guys know they are being creepy?

Via @alyssa_schoener

32. “Please forgive me for everything I have done.” Get out of here.

Via @ballerguy

33. Gaslighting is the worst.

Via @Rachel_Sennott

34. They behave the best right after waking up.

Via @alyssa_schoener

35. Try again later.

Via @femaleredhead

36. They have the weirdest idea of what “equality” means.

Via @churchcunt

37. That is a challenge.

Via @Rachel_Sennott

38. So accurate.

Via @Just_ReneaR

39. Are you really in a position to say that?

Via @ballerguy

40. Life ruined.

Via @ruthkalkidan

41. We all know a Matt.

Via @femaleredhead

42. Don’t believe anything.

Via @talliesinyoung

43. Anything else, my lady?

Via @femaleredhead

44. Every single time.

Via @danadonly

45. Not introducing them to family anymore.

Via @ballerguy

46. Noodles are love. Noodles are life.

Via @talliesinyoung

47. Both would be ideal.

Via @danadonly

48. What do you even gift men?

Via @iissaalyssa

49. Protect that man.

Via @ginnyhogan_

50. This is sadly hilarious.

Via @FirecrackerKatt

Do you have any roasts to add to the list? Share them with us in the comments below.

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