
50 Feminist Tumblr Posts That Even ‘Manliest’ Men Will Find Hilarious

  • By Malaika
  • December 31, 2020
  • 7 minutes read

Feminism is not only restricted to women.

I know women are usually the advocates for feminism that are seen in the media. But that is not the whole picture. There are many men who are proud feminists as well. After all it’s about equality of rights between every gender not superiority over another. And while most of the jokes as follows are on the expense of men. Jokes is all they are and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

The best way to deal with the darkest part of our histories is through making fun of it. While not everyone will appreciate, you win some, and you lose some. And you might think that you have seen every feminist related joke or post there is, but I assure you most of these might not have crossed your eyes. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

#1 And they say pink is too ‘girly’?

Via evolelizabeth

#2 How is showing some skin going to help the servers? Get them more tips?

Via 3-cheers

#3 Some people just don’t like progressive change.

Via shadowlhunters

#4 It really is as simple as that.

Via drunkhemingway

#5 That is one way to deter male attention.

Via onlyblackgirl

#6 So every woman is supposed to be a model? Makes sense.

Via itsnotjustpms

#7 She did technically do what he asked.

Via drawingsofdogs

#8 And ruby red lips with shimmer on them.

Via hailtheduran

#9 They sure know how to appeal to women.

Via chriservans

#10 Maybe then people would finally understand.

Via impossibooty

#11 This is 100% accurate and factually correct.

Via erinsimo

#12 We are not products for you to ogle at.

Via crown-queen-bambee

#13 All the keyboard warriors will be broken from the inside.

Via hairystiles

#14 You can’t have it both ways dear.

Via decadenthumor

#15 Are you going to dispute facts now?

Via hiddensideofthem0on

#16 It isn’t a mandatory thing that everyone has to always be ready to do.

Via thetoptextposts

#17 She isn’t a maid.

Via mydailystumble

#18 That is the only way they will listen.

Via paintnoodle

#19 How surprising right?

Via jakesbackyall

#20 I mean they were asking for it, right?

Via hansmoleskine

#21 Because that makes total sense.

Via vinnylecavaliers

#22 Of course there was going to be a bitter guy.

Via lluna-ttic

#23 Wait, this actually makes a lot of sense.

Via flightless-wings

#24 Must be so tough.

Via umhi-im-goner

#25 Maybe try to reset him?

Via fasterfood

#26 I actually researched and this just might be the future.

Via artybby

#27 It’s the same thing!

Via sofdevilqueen

#28 After all ladies can’t handle all the spice.

Via mysharona1987

#29 I don’t have mirrors in my house.

Via editoress

#30 When you flick off someone.

Via here-for-yu

#31 Why do gatekeeping even exist?

Via profeminist

#32 Give men better smelling products!

Via funnytext-posts

#33 Calm down, It’s just a joke.

Via legallyblained

#34 I am actually going to try this in the future.

Via kibangloy

#35 Have we gone back in time?

Via funnyfeminists

#36 Who cares what they think?

Via thefuuuucomics

Okay. So there are two ways one can look at this. One can either focus on “girls that are anti-feminist” OR on “anti-feminist just to be considered chill by guys”.

And at least going through comments I think we all understand feminism is about gender quality and not putting either of the gender down. So be kind to each other and understand that the same thing can be viewed from different perspectives and still believe in the same thing. -Shruti Chauhan

#37 Chips are always preferred.

Via were-all-queer-here

#38 That expression says it all.

Via aquabreeze

#39 Just give us more pockets and take my money.

Via ugargf

#40 One Direction anyone?

Via allmymetaphors

#41 Is it bad that I have experienced all of these?

Via inter-galactic

#42 You roll your eyes so hard, your pupil disappears.

Via alvae

#43 They think it doesn’t exist.

Via citizenshipandsocialjustice

Patriarchy is largely societal problem, not a man problem. Some of the most vile, disgusting things I’ve ever heard said to a woman were said by another (usually much older) woman.

One of the most bitter arguments I’ve ever had with my mother was when she told my 12-year-old niece to “stop wearing outfits like that, cause people who wear crap like that deserve to get raped.” Still, I dislike the term because its etymology implies men alone are the problem, which isn’t true. That those most fond of the term tend to be misandrists doesn’t help it either. -Michael Morris

#44 Sadly guys don’t have a lot of options.

Via trust

#45 That always bothered me even though I loved the film.

Via trust

#46 I want this on a t-shirt.

Via mandaks

#47 I will be right back.

Via julian2006

#48 It does feel like that sometimes on the internet.

Via voltairine-kropotkin

#49 If you want to wear leggings just wear leggings you don’t have to rename it meggings.

Via sevenbrds

#50 She is ready to have detention because a principal finds her too promiscuous.

Via exoticghosts

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