
39 Hilarious Tweets From Women That Every Feminist Will Laugh At

  • By Malaika
  • December 31, 2020
  • 6 minutes read

Inequality is still running rampant these days.

We may have changed as society but there are still many parts of the world that are still stuck in the dark ages so to speak when it comes to women’s rights.  So people who think we don’t need feminism any more because we already have equal rights clearly haven’t ever been on the Internet before.

And what is the best way to combat inequality? Well, you are going to have to ask an expert for that. But what I can give you are an assortment of witty jokes that any feminist will love. You will definitely find most of these hilarious, and they will hopefully make you think about some things as well. So scroll on below to get to the meat of the article.

#1 And we need food to survive.

Via comedyposts

#2 Who needs men now anyway?

Via alexizrose

Yes! It’s funny how the finger is ALWAYS pointed at the young girl, but no mention of her partner who participated in the pregnancy, is ever mentioned…. So many ‘virgin births’!… Wow!! -Laura Ingles

#3 This should be normal place then right?

Via curlycomedy

#4 I will be there at dawn.

Via bananafitz

#5 At least the cat doesn’t expect anything back.

Via MissRedKisss

#6 And asking her why she is getting angry when he is literally shouting.

Via nickprayner

#7 We could all use help, and I am supposed to be studying accounting.

Via lisonLeiby

#8 Exposed skin makes you do crazy stuff.

Via behindyourback

#9 How dare you!


#10 How about since they are born?


#11 That is usually what babies do.


#12 And being generally creepy.

Via MaraWilson

This reminds me of a TV show once. It was about films. We had a group of certain respected people talking about and analysing a few different titles in an entertaining way in each episode.

Once, a woman in the group said she didn’t like romantic comedies because they are too unrealistic. When asked what genre she likes then, she answered – “I like action films.” Me: *facepalm* -Daria B

#13 They clearly didn’t like their mothers enough.

Via SelenaCoppock

#14 Hoes be like that sometimes.

Via hellolanemoore

#15 Or someone who is self-assured.

Via behindyourback

#16 Just why?


#17 Well, that is just plain wrong.

Via Hanecdote

#18 Well, things are going to be awkward at family gatherings then.

Via moren1ke

#19 I mean I don’t think anyone can counter fat.


#20 ‘I am definitely interested in this thing you are talking about.’

Via mallelis

#21 This is a sign of the end of the world.

Via OhNoSheTwitnt

#22 This isn’t totally true as many men magazines are just as trashy.

Via annadrezen

#23 What do I even say?

Via SelenaCoppock

#24 Real women let us inflate our ego until we can no longer fit in a door frame.

Via FeralCrone

#25 I don’t she wants that either.

Via IjeomaOluo

#26 How rude that a woman is living her life!


#27 Is 37 a magical number where guys stop ogling at you?

Via behindyourback

#28 That is one thing that I would love.

Via vornietom

#29 She isn’t wrong.

Via msgwenl

#30 Does he know what feminism is all about?

Via 1followernodad

#31 Men need equality too! Oh right, that is what feminism means……


#32 That would never happen.

Via SelenaCoppock

#33 I don’t think all of these magazines have an answer to that.

Via lynnbixenspan

#34 And that makes it all okay!

Via panmidwest

Mmmh…. I’m a woman and a feminist too, but this joke kinda fails as “do you consider yourself a feminist” doesn’t sound like a natural way to ask it, or it really sounds like a not a nice person.

If it was “tell me what you think about feminism”, or something on that line, it would have sounded better. -Daria

#35 Can’t everybody live in harmony?

Via danwiilds

#36 According to some politicians, never.

Via SelenaCoppock

#37 A perfect answer ‘Have you noticed how these feminists are all ugly.’


#38 It’s not like doing house chores doesn’t have anything to do with gender.


#39 If you don’t get this, it’s better this way.

Via Nicole_Cliffe

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