
Mother Accuses Modern Feminism For Her Son Being Single, Gets Put In Place

  • By Malaika
  • January 1, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

Being single is a choice.

I mean not everyone is ready to be in a relationship or even wants to be in one. It isn’t as if a relationship is the end all be all, of life. Sure many people might say it sucks when you are lonely but having a partner doesn’t equate to not being lonely. Some people are just happy in their life wherever they are and would rather not complicate it any further.

However, most parents don’t understand that. It seems like marriage is all they have on their mind for their children. And that means outright posting pictures of your kids and telling the world they are single just so they can get a date. Not only does that not work out but makes your child look less desirable in the process. Although this mother took it to the next level and crossed a limit that she shouldn’t have.

As you can see below, there is a reason people are upset about this.

When she said that the sons were single ladies, I was so confused because of the lack of a comma. I thought, ‘who names their daughters Jon and Pieter?’ And that woman needs to remove her nose from where it doesn’t belong. -Kiahna

She deleted it soon after but nothing ever disappears from the internet.

And of course Twitter memed it to hell and back.

And cooties are the worst right?

And if he never has a son, the prophecy can’t come true. He will be immortal.

He wants to keep the radical feminists away from him.

At least he is showing you outright what you are going to get.

Why does that sound so bad when you put it like that?

Just taste the flavour!

I mean there are many women who’d rather date a cat.

That is a valid point after all.

That hasn’t stopped vampires from dating underage girls.

Not many people like a dramatic shower stabbing.

He is just too hot to handle for most women. The moon however……

Petco dog school really is a prestigious place to graduate from!

He essentially got rid of the competition the ‘easy’ way.

I mean some feminists do wear a lot of highlighter.

I am not going to touch this with a 10-foot pole.

Slaying the cheetah print though!

Are they talking about the shark or the guy with his head stuck?

However, the story doesn’t end there.

As this wasn’t the first time the mother had done something like this.

His brother was quick to respond, and it seems his mother is an old pro at this.

I am not the only one who thinks this is weird right?

However, people were left with a lot of questions.

And his brother was there to answer them all.

And then the legend himself joined in to clear up all the misconceptions about him put forth by his mother.

That mom advertising her sons and other single men just gives me the creeps. What is wrong with that woman? Stay out of your kids’ dating life, mom, they don’t want you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.

Thankfully he didn’t actually think like that.

And so Twitter was once again happy.

Is it really any of our business though?

According to this, he does, and he is doing great in his personal life.

Have you ever seen other parents doing this sort of stuff for their children? Do you think it is usually endearing or crossing a line? Comment down below and let us know.

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