
50 Savage Parents Destroyed Their Children With Words

  • By Malaika
  • January 1, 2021
  • 6 minutes read

Parents know how to use Facebook these days.

Sure they might make mistakes some days but even the mistakes usually turn out to be hilarious. However, that doesn’t mean most kids want to be friends with their parents on Facebook. And it is usually because our Parents know the most about us and that includes every embarrassing and weird details that we wouldn’t like anyone else to know. Also, the fact that our online personas can be quite different from our reality.

And what means is that sometimes people like to stretch the truth a bit. Although you can’t do that when your parents are on there, and you know they will reveal the truth faster than light. I am not making that up either since that is exactly what has happened in the following posts. You can see for yourself how these parents don’t hold back when they want to ‘humiliate’ their kid on the Internet. Some of these just want to teach their child a lesson while others just have a different sense of humour. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.

#1 I don’t think he has the right to complain about that any more.

#2 Sorry to say this, but I don’t think they are going to stop any time soon.

#3 I would actually love to hear a song about that.

#4 Everyone joined in to back up this mother.

#5 Well, he definitely won’t be finding the burn cream anytime soon.

#6 I think he meant to say phantastic.

#7 And he won’t be touching any new ones with his thinking.

#8 Puts a new meaning to the word bromance.

#9 Be sure to get her a gift, so she doesn’t blow up.

#10 That is just the way of life.

#11 Maybe he will finally learn some respect, but I doubt it.

#12 Seems like the mom is trying her hand at dad jokes.

#13 And he probably regretted that ever since.

#14 I have no idea what they are talking about.

#15 Well, these parties must get wild.

#16 I am actually happy that his dad doesn’t know how to message him personally.

#17 Nobody likes a ginger.

Before you grab your pitchforks, it’s just a joke and I in no way hate people with red hair. In fact, I have a lot of friends who are gingers.

#18 Definitely the teeth of someone who is a thug.

#19 I mean what can I even say after this?

#20 Maybe they will learn something random?

#21 You can’t be a thug without Mr Pigums backing you up.

#22 Get your heads out of the gutter people!

#23 All the brain cells just up and vanished.

#24 I have to commend his mother on that go getter attitude!

#25 I think the father did it much better.

#26 It was right there. She had to take that chance.

#27 I would love to hear more at this point.

#28 I love to say ‘You do you’ but she’s not wrong.

#29 They should have expected this.

#30 I would love a mother like that as well.

#31 A huge relief indeed.

#32 Furious fap sounds likeĀ  a name of a rock band.

#33 Do you really want that though?

#34 And did she eat it? I need answers!

#35 Such a nice way of saying happy birthday.

#36 This is just a tiny bit sad.

#37 I mean they aren’t wrong there. And there is always surgery.

#38 If she is happy then who cares!

#39 If not a job then who is paying for all this stuff?

#40 Both of them are an adorable couple.

#41 Some kids need that tough love to grow up.

#42 Tim probably regretted ever posting that.

#43 At least he is proud of her either way

#44 So who did it better? I’m leaning towards the father?

#45 That would actually be hilarious.

#46 The mom asking all the hard hitting questions here.

#47 I actually didn’t realize those were undies at first.

#48 What is up with everyone sticking their tongue out?

#49 Not the best approach, but he will probably never do that again.

#50 I am partial to the dads approach.

Have you ever done something like this to your kids? If so let us know in the comments below.

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