
40 Of The Most Savage Clapback’s Ever Recorded In The History Of Internet

  • By Malaika
  • April 17, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

It is always fun to see people getting destroyed.

Especially if there is no actual physical harm done. After all, words hurt much more than physical pain. We are all aware that in this day and age, disinformation is running rampant. From anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers and people who insist wearing a mask will inhibit oxygen, the world is full of individuals claiming to know better than professionals. It’s as if years of study in a particular field means nothing and spending a few minutes on the Internet is the same thing.

While the Internet has revolutionized many things and we should be grateful. However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t people misusing it. I am of course talking about the Karens and the Chads. Thankfully, we also have brave souls ready to take on these dumb people and set them right. Well, that may be a lie because they aren’t going to budge from their position but it sure is fun seeing them savaged by actual facts.

Take a look for yourself by scrolling below. We have compiled the best comebacks courtest of a subreddit aptly named “Clever Comebacks.” Need I say more?

Source: Reddit

#1 If these people think sexuality can be changed, why do they not lead by example?

#2 The author of the book has come forth to put this person down.

#3 I think Jenna here is talking about religion that is more the ‘show off’ kind.

#4 They are technically correct.

#5 That one still hurts my heart.

#6 Uneducated will find perfectly under unafraid.

#7 So we should all get high on psychedelic mushrooms then?

#8 This is what we call cherry-picking.

#9 There is a term for that but I can’t seem to remember it.

#10 What was Lauren trying to prove here? That Biden is not a dictator?

#11 I don’t think anything else needs to be said here.

#12 It’s in the name. What does she think KFC stands for? Kentucky Fried Corn?

#13 I have seen a surprising number of goats with the name billy.

#14 Only a ‘little’ too far.

#15 Just have faith and fall over every day.

#16 This is actually a very creative insult.

#17 A quick google search would have helped him.

#18 Not being a garbage human being is my gender identity now.

#19 So he is basically equating us to animals?

#20 Just be honest. It’s that simple.

#21 People just can’t be happy.

#22 Eric is going to need a burn ointment.

#23 Historically during a pandemic, this sort of thing always happens.

#24 And I am not sure if that is a suitable ‘right’.

#25 Seems like a good use of the free time to me.

#26 This is surprisingly sweet.

#27 I bet forging that one will be quite easy.

#28 Need we say more?

#29 We should know this by now.

#30 Then it will be true chaos in his mind.

#31 What so bad about injecting insulin?

#32 Greta has it right.

#33 I personally love Nihari people as well. They are just so delicious.

#34 She didn’t think this through before posting it, did she?

#35 This is why respecting everyone is recommended.

#36 People need to think hard before they voice their ‘opinion’.

#37 It has to be a complete list after all.

#38 And there is nothing wrong with feeling proud of your achievements. Just don’t put others down.

#39 She meant this only for when it suits her.

#40 At least he saved it at the end.

Although the pickup line was a bit weird in the first place. However, they do seem to be good mates so what do I know?

Have you ever clap backed to someone? And if what is the comeback that you are most proud of? Comment it down below and let us know.

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