
30 Tweets About Toxic Masculinity That Will Blow Your Mind

  • By Malaika
  • June 12, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

We should have left toxic masculinity in 1800.

But even in this day and age where people have the weirdest notions about what it takes to be a man. And funnily enough, a man who does not fit in this criteria is immediately called gay, as if being a gay person means you are not a man. Not only are these people incredibly stupid but they also need to pay middle school again. They are not even clear about basic biology.

Simply put anyone who is worried about their safety and actually takes care of their body and skin is considered a woman. Apparently, only women are supposed to keep themself clean and safe. Men should only wash with dirt and hang out the window when they are driving. That sounds pretty dumb, right? Well, I am sadly not at all exaggerating. You can see for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Twitter

#1 That is exactly how it works.

#2 A person married with a wife and a kid on the way? Possibly gay.

#3 He does realize most gaming pcs bought by people have LED lights out of the wazoo?

#4 So going on a war for no reason is the manly thing to do?

#5 That is the easiest way to identify gender according to this person.

#6 It’s not as if an individual can go back into their mother’s womb if they realize it is spring.

#7 A man who gets hungry at work and does not want to pay exorbitant money for a cold pizza slice?

#8 That is a roundabout way to say this guy has never pleasured a woman.

#9 I honestly can’t wrap my head around this.

#10 Apparently eating food is now considered gay. You can only eat sawdust.

#11 When will people stop with this alpha and beta stuff? We are not in a werewolf novel.

#12 Overeating or wasting food is the manly thing to do.

#13 If a woman isn’t scared of you, you are doing something wrong.

#14 If he is being safe, it means he is not into you even though you are in bed with him currently.

#15 Makes perfect sense.

#16 Are sure she didn’t mean the opposite?

#17 Does he know that most statues are artistic interpretations?

#18 It must mean he went to school. How unmanly!

#19 I have no idea how these people’s minds work and I don’t want to know either.

#20 Men can’t even celebrate their birthday nowadays.

#21 Fellas, you can only drink slushies while it is freezing out.

#22 Ironically this shirt has glitter on it.

#23 Who doesn’t want a man who has a tux for sleeping?

#24 After all, that is so feminine.

#25 People with lactose intolerance are not real men.

#26 And he thought posting it on the Internet was a good thing?

#27 Saving money is apparently a womanly thing to do.

#28 What is so wrong with comics now?

#29 Staying safe from covid comes second.

#30 Take a look at the point made above.

I know this paints a bleak picture of humanity but did you at least have a laugh at these dumb tweets? Which one of these was your favorite? Let us know in the comments down below and don’t forget to share with your friends so they can join in as well.

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