
22 Funniest Tweets By Women That Every Woman Will Find Hilarious

  • By Malaika
  • March 5, 2021
  • 5 minutes read

You don’t have to be a feminist to find these relatable.

I am well aware that these days you can cause controversy just by saying the word feminism which is ludicrous. However, these tweets are not really about feminists in particular. Any woman will be able to relate to these. From every woman wanting pockets in their clothes that can actually fit something more than a few pennies to wanting to be themselves without wanting to be called rude or arrogant, these tweets have addressed many things wrong with society these days.

Although they are not done in such a manner to shove anything down your throat. After all, who doesn’t want to have a laugh especially when everything is wrong when you look at the news? So scroll on below and take a look for yourself. A fair warning as these are all just jokes and should not be taken seriously and neither should anyone get triggered over such silly things.

#1 One would come back from the afterlife to rave about their dress with pockets.


#2 Well, that can be one way to play football and a different strategy altogether.


#3 I have no idea what that is from, but the artist clearly didn’t know what a body looks like.


#4 This is actually a great idea. No one would come close to you.


#5 Doesn’t that sound so derogatory? Wonder why men do this.


#6 The only way to move forward is for one to reset the guy in question before banging them in the head twice to get them working.


#7 I wasn’t aware being a feminist and wearing lipstick could not go hand in hand.


I don’t think I can choose anything over my trusty lipstick. After all, women can’t live without makeup. Have you ever seen one without? It’s a complete horror show.

#8 Was that really the only mistake? Because I have a few more in mind right now.


#9 Is shoehorning romance in every genre that necessary? Just let the main character be.


#10 Women are not some mythical creatures that can not communicate.


#11 What about what a girl finds attractive? She might not like self-important jerks who have nothing better to do than tweet stupid sh*t on the Internet.


#12 There is no pay difference between a woman and a man.


#13 Just call it a concealer, it doesn’t make you less masculine.


#14 I don’t know if that is how that works.


#15 At least with misogynists, you know what you are getting.


#16 The Genie should have seen this coming from the get-go.


#17 I wouldn’t mind being ruled by Elephants. Would be better than our current politicians.


#18 Just make up your mind on what you want.


And I can’t believe men think women are confusing.

#19 She is clearly asking for a lot. We shouldn’t be too greedy right now.


#20 That is a mood that I want to be in forever.


#21 What you are telling me is that men might find out we are all different animals under our clothes?


#22 I don’t know if 100 tampons would be enough. 1000 seems like a great number to me.


Did you get triggered by any of this? Before you start your angry commenting, do remember that these are all jokes and some things have changed a lot since these jokes were tweeted. Since that is now behind us, don’t forget to comment down below and share with your friends.

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